Out Of Time

I hear it all the time, people complaining about how they don't have time to do anything, that they are always feeling rushed. I believe this is due to two aspects of life that are unnecessary and fixable.
The two things I see wrong are people having absolutely no skills whatsoever to manage their time and the other being that people insist on leading unnatural and unhealthy lives by cramming more than we can humanly naturally bear into them. 

Time management is not really that difficult, you simply prioritize each days tasks and put it in a note.. not post its all over your monitor, an actual list that you can check things off of and prioritize.
The ability to focus is also essential as you need to break your day down into one task at a time and complete it before going on to the next. For the days that I have more going on than is humanly possible to achieve, I will break the list down into the most minute steps as this is a great way to develop the focus needed to make it through one day in the life of an American. 

Humans may be designed to handle enormous loads of responsibility, but we are not hardwired to endure endless overwhelming stress 24/7 and we don't even realize that we are doing this to ourselves. We place too much importance on what the world will think of us, on competing with each other for the best careers, education, the most impressive children, the perfect home and on and on the feces piles up around our common sense.

Distracted driving is now a hot button topic, but why are we even having to have this discussion in the first place? why? because we are so overworked, so spread too thin, so out of time that we feel we need to risk the lives of ourselves, our loved ones and everyone else on the road to read a stupid text message, or take a phone call that is no where near important, why? because we fear we might be missing out on something, that if we are not at the beck and call of the rest of the world that we will appear weak or unfriendly or offend the fragile ego of some person who has no right demanding anything from anyone. We are trapped in other peoples time frames and schedules, perceptions and opinions of who we are and how we should live our lives.  Of course there are the drivers who are just so stupid  they think they have the right to risk our lives for their egos, but this is a topic for another blog altogether.
There is no shame in having ordinary kids or working one mediocre job or not being a phenom, there is no harm in leading a quiet average existence.
Be proud of your accomplishments but don't keep trying to compete with yourself and everyone around you. Yes, I know that some of you are thinking it is outrageous to not strive to be perfect at all things all the time because somewhere along the path of human evolution the thought of just being human, just being ordinary became a shameful thing to be. We have been taught to pity those who have less than we do and pat ourselves on the back for a job well done because our homes and our jobs are sucking us dry and causing illness and despair and our children are juggling adult lives and expectations when they should be focusing on just being a kid.
We have been taught that there is shame in being an ordinary person, a person who knows what is truly important in this thing we call life.  
The only thing we need to strive for is to be ourselves as individuals and to respect completely and unconditionally our human right to be happy at just being human.


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