The American Medical Scam

Those who know me well know how much I despise the medical profession.
I hate everything about them. They are, in my opinion the largest scam and brainwash there is and now our Government is making it law that all Americans be forced against their will to pay for medical insurance and no doubt be forced to practice western medicine against their will, because some insurance scams require you to see doctors or lose your insurance.


Shame on you Obama, you have lied to us to get our vote and now you are sleeping with the AMA and insurance companies so all of you can get richer still at the great expense and lives of the American People. Do you honestly think that by forcing us to pay outrageous insurance premiums is going to convince us to embrace western medicine? Do you think we are all so stupid that we are going to shrug our shoulders and say; Oh well since I have this obscene policy I might as well go see a doctor? How dare you prey on the people you are suppose to be supporting!

Now here is where I believe the scam comes in. As things are now we are free Americans, free to choose if we want to make these people rich at the expense of our health and safety, but as of 2014 the 'FREE' part goes away and we will be forced against our will to line their pockets.

In 2000 during a mandatory employment physical, I was diagnosed with Osteo Arthritis and told I  should see a 'Specialist". I did no such thing.
In 2011 when I fell and fractured a vertebrae in my spine I was told I had Osteoporosis and told I should see a Specialist. I did not. I did not because I already knew what would transpire.
First, I would lose time at work and have to pay a co pay, now when you are alone and your life depends on you and you alone to bring home the only paycheck this is not only unfair but in my case not possible. The co pays are not something I can afford. A person should not lose money to seek help if they are in need.

Even if I did go to see this so called Specialist they would examine me and make me undergo X rays which are not safe and then they would want an MRI which means more money out of my strained pockets and more missed work. They would also tell me to see a Physical Therapist...again work and money lost and for what, I already work out every night with weights, practice Yoga and Belly Dance for strength and muscle toning and I do speed walking and obstacle with my dog at least four times per week. they would tell me these little ditties like lose weight, I have, 244 pounds since 2007 and kept it off. Why would I want to waste my time and energy to sit with a PT and roll around on a giant ball or hang out in a hot tub when I soak in my own. I don't need a suit or have to breathe in Chlorine in my bath at home.

 Americans have been scammed for so long by the medical world that we have forgotten they not only work for us but they are not worthy of the homage they seem to think they are entitled to.  We, the American People know what we have to do to get healthy and stay healthy, but we also have 'Free Will Choice' and this is what Obama is taking away from us when we will be forced against our will to line the pockets of insurance companies and doctors none of whom deserve it.

I would love to sit down with Obama and Clinton and ask them how they are going to enforce this rich mans law on the Amish and other people of religious life styles that do not practice western medicine.

This new law is the last straw and the greatest insult to the American People, they are saying that because not all Americans are following the cattle call and letting the government dictate how we live that they will get back at us by enacting yet another law to force us into submission.
If an American wants to eat junk food and lay around on the couch all day so be it! It is their choice! Just because Obama thinks it is wrong in his opinion does not mean he has the right to make us succumb to his will. He is no President, he is now a tyrant. 

Did I mention how this is going to affect small business? It may put some out of business and now we are seeing two things happening, small businesses are cancelling their policies and forcing their employees to get their own insurance and couples are racing frantically into marriage just to get on their spouses insurance. This is not good, especially since the American divorce rate is one out of every two marriages ending. This is only going to add to that crisis.

If you missed the media blurbs that were conveniently swept under the rug, the ones that said if you do not comply with the new insurance laws you will be fined and this so called fine will not be coming to you in the mail with a number to call for payment arrangements...nope it is going to be enforced by way of confiscating your hard earned tax refunds by way of another government scam called; Revenue Recapture. This scam allows state and local governments to intercept your tax refunds so all you will get is a notice in the mail saying that you will NOT be getting your refund.

Now this may come as a shock to some but I really am a very proud American and will defend this great nation against any and all foes. I love, revere and support our troops, but when our officials act more like spoiled royalty and less like fellow Americans I get EXTREMELY PISSED!
Our politicians have forgotten that they work for us and we call the shots, that they are elected to put our welfare and best interest first not insurance companies, or big oil....Us, We The People.


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