Stop Calling Them That!

I believe the stigma would go away if we all stop calling them Pit Bulls. They are not Pit Bulls, they are Staffordshire or Bull Terriers, they are Mastiffs or Caines or Rotweilers. They are fierce only in their ability to love and be loyal to those they know as family. 
I have known so many of these tenacious and loving companions and mine were of the cowardly nature, they always ran from a fight. 
My Dazey, beloved Staffie was the family clown and not day would go by without her innocent and pure antics causing us to burst into fits of uncontrollable laughter. 
There are campaigns underway to stop breed bans and start a registry for animal abusers and yet here we are still feeding the stigma by a name. 
No one ever cowars at a Yorkie or a Poodle because those names we relate to harmless canines. I think we should start a campaign to formally change the name calling of the Bully Breeds. They are not pit fighters or bullies. They are member of a group of dogs known as Terriers....from the word Terrestrial meaning land. They were originally bred to work the farms as protectors of livestock, vermin eliminators and babysitters. We can't change human reaction to things such as a name, so we must change that name to change the senseless treatment and prejudice of these amazing animals. 

Dazey Diggens Favolise 1992-1997


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