A Pull To The Past

My light shines bright upon this earth,
In the warmth I scarcely sense my worth,

But as the days grow dimmer with the passing seasons,
I feel a pull to reveal the reasons,

Of why I have memories of a past that is not mine,
Am I remembering a past life or have I been living a lie,

As the leaves turn to red and gold,
I start to awaken from a sleep centuries old,

I am coming alive with every sense on alert and feeling,
A heightened awareness of seen and unseen,

A cabin in the woods, a flannel shirt it's nineteen fifty,
A black suit now I'm a woman in a plane it's lifting,

Up and up into the air we fly
Then I'm walking through a castle cirridor people bowing and averting their eyes,

A crackling fire in the center of a ring of stone,
There are those in the shadows but on the alter I am alone,

The blanket of skin I wear now impedes my escape across the frozen field,
From the monster who catches me, who beats me until I yield,

Are we really meant to know the future or the past,
Wouldn't life be better lived if no one had ever asked,

And wouldn't we be concerned with living in this universe so vast,
If we spent all our existence in the present and make it last.

Complete acceptance and accountability of who and what we are in this here and now is the only way we will grow away from our ignorance and become beings worthy of all life's blessings. 
We must stop looking to a future not yet laid or a past that is gone and look at what we are creating and destroying with our egos and gratification. We must be better than our weaknesses and stop obliterating our Mother Earth, our fellow man, all the creatures and our souls. 

Julianna Mason


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