Nobody Asked...

During the 2016 elections no one bothered to ask Trump what he meant by 'Making America Great Again'.
Everyone just sat back listening to the rhetoric and fantasizing that he was talking about their own personal vision.
Zenophobes hoped he would rid their world of anyone who wasn't a white middle class American. Homophobes were hoping for the similiar outcome.
Racisits envisioned a utopia where their gleeming white skin gave them a legitimate claim to living.
No one bothered to ask what 'Great' meant to Trump, well except for those who could see through his greed, his ignorance and his insaciable appetite for stroking his own ego; like it was his dick on a lonely night.
No one bothered to ask what his definition of 'Great' really is and now we will never know because he has no reason to explain it to us.
What is his fantasy of 'Making America Great'?Does he mean bringing back our honor, our dignity, our status?
Perhaps it means to him power, money, tyranny.
I think he doesnt know himself. I think he just said it to get votes and lure people in.
I think his fantasy about 'Making America Great' is to make more money for himself and ring us out like a dirty dishrag before he throws us to Russian wolves or perhaps the North Korean Hyeanas or leave us to rot in the wastelands that once were our towns and cities, but now wreak of civil war from cops who have no honor, no dignity, no control.
I hope all of you are happy with your choice. I hope you are able to sleep at night without leaving one eye open.
I hope you won't get hurt too badly when your savior runs a tank over you as he runs for cover.


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