Hate Has Many Sides

We've all felt that burn in our gut when our eyes start to squint and our breathing becomes heavier. We've all known the pressure in our necks when we clench our teeth and start forcing breath through our tightened lips and that throbbing in our throat from increased heart rate. We've all known the response of hate. Hate, like anger is not an emotion, its a response to an emotional trigger. The trigger could be anything, rejection, injustice, fear, despair, frustration or grief.
The way we each as individuals respond to hate is unique. I may hate someone because they are racists but I may not get angry at them.
Its confusing I know.
Its just as confusing to articulate how we feel and how we will react to the men who pull off mass shootings.
How, then are we suppose to feel about these completely sensless and cowardice acts of carnage? I think it starts with shock and denial and so many Americans are in shock and denial that these shootings, most recently are white American men.
How does this compute in our conditioned minds when we can only assimilate acts carried out by foreign terrorists? It doesn't. We accept that this act has happened but we seem to utter an acknowledgement with the volume all the way on mute.
It's easy to hate someone who is not of our nation or religion, especially when they kill innocent people. When one of our own commits the same heinous crime we have no idea how to accept it. Did these people hate so much that the rage won over reason? Was it their victims who they hated or themselves for being failures and monsters?
I hate that clown squatting in my nation's capital and I hate the ignorance that put him there, but here I am an average white American woman with a happy life.
There could be hate behind the smile of my soft spoken neighbor and people hate to hear about football because they hate the game for no other reason  than personal preference.
So you see, hate can be many things to many people and they may mask it in words like intolerance, impatience, annoyance or frustration, but it's still all the same thing, it's hate and hate attracts rage and rage demands response and the response is violence and violence justifies killing in the minds of those who hate.
So I guess the moral of the story is; dont hate.


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