Teach An Old Dog...

Back in the day, I was a Vet. Tech. Assistant and I did a five year independent study on Canine Nutrition and it's direct affect on behavior, trainability and Attention Deficit in dogs.
I have consulted on vicious Dog cases and obedience trained many a human.
About three months ago I adopted Fiona. She was rescue and suppose to me my happy distraction from the loss and trauma I have been hit with every year since 2004. My dog, Teddy passed last October and he was the easiest dog to live with, hell at times I forgot he was around! When I decided to open my home and my heart to another dog I wanted one who was not the same as Teddy because I needed him or her to be themselves and not a reflection or image of my beloved boy who I miss with all my heart.   I brought Fiona home and at first it was a heavenly match and she has played an enormous role in improving my health and eliminating my pain from Arthritis.
But in these past few weeks something changed in Fiona and she started to get nervous and non compliant, she was so erratic and crazy that she was attacking my cat, injuring me on lead and vomiting up every meal she would eat.
I would come home from work and just be a wreck before I even unlocked the door.
I have been yet again going through some painful and scary events and it hit me last week that I was coming home, getting angry at her for her behavior, then curling up on the couch with her and cry my eyes out over my problems. Fiona picked up on this and in a dogs mind a negative emotional state translates to us not being in charge, not being the strong pack leader we must be. Consequently this made her feel that she had to step in and take over and since she does not want that role and she wants only to please everything started to come unraveled.
 Now she has always been aggressive with the cat out of jealously and I was even planning on purchasing a shock collar at some point if it came to that. I looked at myself in my bathroom mirror and realized what a doofus I am! I know better than this! I have rehabbed dogs and their families who are going through these types of issues, I KNOW BETTER SHAME ON ME! So I began to dig deep into the storage locker of my memories for the answers and I put away my Doggy Mommy cap, dusted off my Dog Trainer Cap and affixed it firmly to my hard head.
What a difference a week makes. For the first time since bringing my girl home I actually sat for an hour on the sofa with both Fiona and my cat one on each side of my lap while they napped and this is just the beginning. I am still going through so much personally, but I am keeping it to myself and to my pillow at night after I put Fiona to bed. I am choosing to make the changes necessary to live a sane long life with my pets. I just needed to accept that I have to put aside my personal feelings and get to work and remember all that I have learned and taught others and in doing so I am learning so much I did not know before, Fiona is teaching me so much I did not know before, I may be an old...almost middle aged dog in some ways but I can be taught new tricks.


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