Muslims, The New Black

Racism is still alive and well in America.
The difference between now and the past is the people who white America hates in this century.
When 911 happened it changed everything including who was subjected to the bitter pill of racial hate.
When on that fateful morning a group of deranged men took over American Planes and killed thousands. At that moment we became only two groups of people, the enemy who attacked us and our false sense of security and the vulnerable victims on the ground. Suddenly no one was pointing fingers at the Mexicans as the ones ruining our so called great nation by way of economic sabotage or the African Americans who some think are all criminals and soil our nation with their poverty and it was not those who are different because of their gender preference.
 At that one fateful moment a new enemy appeared and they just so happened to be extremists of their religion, so instead of hating the terrorists for being terrorists white America hated them because they were Muslim.
Muslims do not hate us, terrorists hate us, some of our nations allies are other nations predominately Muslim or Jewish.
 Timothy McVeigh and Ted Kaczynski were red blooded Americans from Christian homes, but no one started yelling hatred at the Christians or white guys, nope in fact it was conveniently ignored. The kids that put Columbine on the map were white, in fact I believe all of the kids who have gunned down their schoolmates were white...hmmm and yet no one ever talks about their races or religions as being at fault.
My point to this rant is that it doesn't matter what religion those terrorists were, if they had been Jewish then America would hate Jews, if they had been Hindu or Buddhist...same thing.
Ok, so they attacked us in the name of their God, but does this make what the white guys in the previous paragraph did ok? about 809 million people have been slaughtered at the hands of Christians and yet even with the facts before them the followers of Christ Jesus still think it's the other guy that did it.
Jesus was a dark skinned man from the Middle East, we and the experts know this because people of that global region are not known to be blond haired and blue eyed especially during his life, if you hate dark skinned people then do you hate Jesus? Jesus was a Jew, do you hate him then because he was not Christian...remember Jesus was the reason for the creation of Christianity, he didn't come on the scene after the religion was born. Jesus instructed us to 'Love thy neighbor', his neighbors were Muslims and Jews, do you think it is ok to go against your Savior's teachings and still call yourself a Christian? He said to turn the other cheek and yet everyone just keeps slapping back. God told us it was not our place to judge and yet if you are hating any person for any reason then you are passing judgment. Just because someone hates you doesn't give you a free heavenly pass to hate them.
All of you can hate who you want for whatever reason you want, but think about this, there is a reason someone coined the phrases; 'Hypachristian' and 'The Christian Right is Neither'.
 For me, personally I am going to remain true to my faith and practice what my savior taught and that is to be racially color blind, religiously tone deaf and judgmentally mute.


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