Credit Reporting Agencies

I hate Scammers more than anything, in fact they are probably the only entity I do hate and the ones listed above are one of the worlds largest and most corrupt in my opinion.

At what point in a person's life do we give these crooks permission not only to extort our private information then tell us if we want it we have to pay to get it back! That is like a robber breaking into your home, stealing your possessions then telling you that if you want them back you will have to pay them for the stuff!

 Furthermore, the alleged information they have is so grotesquely inaccurate that if any of us really knew what lies they are spreading about us and our loved ones it would take your breath away!

All credit reports should be free because it is our information, our hard earned work history, our battles won and lost to the corporate anti Christ.
We have rights, they do not. Who are they anyway? Probably just a bunch of voyeurs getting off on the high of seeping into the private lives of the innocent.

Not once in my life has Trans Union EVER had an accurate report of my information and if you dare try to contact them you are in for even more heartache because their site is perpetually 'Experiencing Technical Difficulties' or does not understand what a number is or tab correctly...on and on I could go about these clowns.

Yes, I hate scams and scammers more than anything because they cause great harm to the American People and like Corporate America and the Medical industry they have forgotten who they work for...Us, We The People, their patients and customers who trust them, the ones who make them obscenely and unfairly wealthy while they keep us sick, scared and in the hole.


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