School Spirit

It is law that parents register their children for school K -12.
The majority of American Families cannot afford Private Schools or have the ability to home school and they are left with the only other option that being Public School.

Why are we throwing our children under the bus? Why are we sitting back and allowing teachers and school faculty to harrass our children, give them the wrong messages and not only perpetuate but support such crimes as bullying in our nations public schools?
We tax paying parents and concerned citizens need to stand up against Bullying and those who are turning their backs on the victims.
There was recently an incident in a Public School where a six year old boy was told by the school faculty to stop carrying a peticular lunchbox that he liked because he was getting teased and bullied because of it.
By telling him to stop carrying it the faculty sent the message that bullying is not only alive and well but that teachers are weak cowards who are protecting bullies and sending the message that if you do not conform to what the bullies want you the victim will be punished!
Shame on you teachers! It is your job to protect the victims and punish the bullies not perpetuate hate crimes! You should be punished! You should be fired!


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