Remember Me

I was recently visiting my Dads gravesite. I was taking pictures and I stepped to the left of Dads stone and my foot dropped slightly. I looked down but was standing on nothing but the plush grass that surrounded the silence. I kicked at the grass but nothing moved, then I tried to push the grass away with my shoe but to no avail. I got down on my knees and started pulling at the grass and it was actually rooted to this marker. My nephew joined me and together we unearthed this marker, a marker that I had never seen before next to my Dad all these years! This is the last testament to a man buried forgotten and virtually unknown; because his marker has been buried beneath a thick layer of grass rooted all around the to my beloved Dad and if I had known I would have cared for him as I do my Dad. I will look out for him from now on. Theo L. Gordon, whoever you are or were I'm sorry you have been forgotten but I will not forget you now...especially because you died the very year I was born.


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