Devil's Advocate

 Fat shaming is appalling and completely unacceptable. We are all human beings worthy and deserving of love, respect and fulfilling lives...

Being overweight has deadly consequences and costs Americans millions upon millions in medical expenses that are 100% avoidable.

Our Nations Veterans should be venerated and honored. It is inexcusable for any veteran to be homeless, hungry or without the very best medical care...

We don't have a draft, they join up of their own free will and why? Is it a calling or are they looking for attention? Have a death wish? Looking for free college money?

We Americans have a Constitution that upholds our unalienable right to Free Speech and thus everyone has a voice...

People who spew hatred, ignorance, violence, and just plain stupidity should be silenced.

Women in America have a protected right to abort an unborn human even without involving the Father if they so choose. It is our bodies, our choice and sometimes bringing that baby into the world is a really bad idea; because sometimes the Mother suffers from Mental Illness, poverty or she is pregnant as a result of rape...

Maybe the Father wants to be dad and will adopt the child without you just like so many women who choose to keep their babies and be single parents without informing the Father. Murder is Murder. If you don't want a baby stop having unprotected sex. Be stronger the your groin's urges. 

America's Constitution protects our right to freedom of religious expression without persecution...

The Christian's Right to practice and pray anywhere and everywhere is neither Christian nor right because they persecute people who are not Christian then try to enforce their religion upon everyone else. Apparently none of them have read the Constitution, or they have and just don't respect it. 

I don't agree with all these opinions, rather all are similar to comments I see often on social media.
It is both beautiful and tragic that we can place on an internet page whatever we think and not for one moment realize that we are accountable for our words. Our words create our realities and cause others to formulate opinions about us that may not be a true account of who we really are. 
Whatever you send out you will get back and sometimes in ways we don't necessarily want. 

We and we alone create our reality.


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