What The Cluck?'

Free Range is a type of farming that refers to allowing food producing animals, primarily chickens to roam free in Their yards for the most of their day, enjoying the sun, fresh air, grasses and other life existing around them. 

Recently there has been a problem with humans allowing their young children roam free...or in their words, Free Range Children. 
I am struggling to find words to describe how reckless, idiotic, deadly and monumentally stupid these parents are! They should have their kids removed from their care!  
It all starts for me with knowing that the neurology of children is under devoloped. 
They simply do not have the brain devlopement to understand complex problem solving, they can be easily manipulated by traffickers, pedophiles and kidnappers. 
They do not have a solid sense of direction, what if the wander too far? They do not have a complete understanding of what death truly means so they may engage in unsupervised activities that could be dangerous especially if they are far from home and have to rely on the kindness of strangers. 
I grew up in a community so slight and rural that there were only five homes in our entire neighborhood, a one lane dirt road that ended at my driveway. I spent every possible moment outside but at no time was I without an adult within screaming range and my Mom told me where I could go and how far and if I did not show up on the doorstep by the time she hollered my first, middle and last name there would be hell to pay! 
 Parents who leave their kids alone inside their homes can be subject to to the law. 
To allow your young children to be left to their own devices outside and with no adult supervision is not just ludicrous but abusive. 
They are trying to cover up their laziness and incompetence as parents and human beings by giving a catch phrase to it, Free Range Children. 

Full Definition of CHILD

a  :  an unborn or recently born person 
b  dial  :  a female infant 
a  :  a young person especially between infancy and youth 
b  :  a childlike or childish person 
c  :  a person not yet of age 

usually  childe \ˈchī(-ə)ld\  archaic  :  a youth of noble birth 
a  :  a son or daughter of human parents 
b  :  descendant
:  one strongly influenced by another or by a place or state of affairs 
:  productresult <barbed wire … is truly a child of the plains — W. P. Webb>


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