She Lived

Some come into this world to lead extraordinary lives.
Others come to observe and others to live quiet existences.
Our life is a destiny, a reason and a learning and at the end of life those of us left come together to celebrate and remember you. 

My sister, Maralee died today but not before she lived. She was born, she made choices, touched lives and played a role in karmic cycles.
She was happy, she was sad. She was simple and yet so complicated. She was good and she got sick. She wasn't famous or even well known but she mattered, she had a role, she was ours and always will be and we love her unconditionally. She was a person nothing more and nothing less. My sister, Maralee died today but not before she lived. 

In Loving Memory of Maralee Joe Kendall Johnson April 04, 1957 - November 12, 2015 



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