
AR 15's were developed exclusively for military forces, just like machine guns, grenades, rocket launchers etc... They were never intended for the Jo citizen to have one like a pet. Sure we all have that right to bear arms but keep in mind at the time that statement was written into our constitution they were thinking in terms of muskets and long rifles. Since our arms have evolved so must our responsibility and our emotional maturity to all American people and that includes making sure that unstable people don't have access to these deadly weapons, you may have right to bear arms but I have a right to feel safe in my home, in my community and in my work, no one with a stupid gun has the right to take that away from me. Besides unless your are an absolute professional firearms operator your chances of accidentally shooting yourself or an innocent person is far greater than you coming to someone's rescue and where were all you gun toting good old boys when Newtown happened or Orlando or Colorado or Arizona ? You were all running for cover or in shock with the rest of us.


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