The Eve In All Of Us

When faced with unspeakable loss, sometimes our only hope for victory is to retreat into the recesses of our minds and hide there in the dark and this, while floating through a world so complicated that we are not moving toward a better light, but rather blinded by the kaleidoscope of flashes that blind us in the tunnel.

I wonder, while sitting in complete silence, what it must have been like to be the first woman.
Her world filled with sunlight and moonlight and creatures stirring and the sound of a breeze blowing through the grasses. She spent her days in beautiful depravity of air planes growling overhead and vehicles booming past. 

She had no concerns of money, social order or awareness of her perfect imperfections.
I believe she was gloriously covered in soft pale hair, her eyes a blind flash of brown, her body toned and yet gentile. She spoke no words and felt no need to be heard or understood. Everything she needed to survive was within metaphorical reach.

She lived each moment of each day concerning herself with only the need for food and shelter and safety. She only had to keep a watchful eye upon her man and children and not worry about what the neighbors may be plotting.

I don't believe for a moment that she understood the concept of fear, but knew what needed to be done to win the battle against death everyday and the apple was nothing more than her way of doing what needed to be done, when it needed to be done without hesitation. The apple was a jump start that needed to take place even though it would change us in ways that could never be reversed.

In her infinite wisdom and pure instinct she knew what had to be done for her family's survival even if it meant sacrificing herself. Her family, the first family needed a jump start, a short cut because she knew she would not always be there for them and she happened upon a solution dangling right in front of her and she took it. It was there if front of her like a crystal ball beckoning her to glimpse the future. She took that first juicy, sweet and tangy bite slowly and earnestly and she knew the consequences. She knew because she was wise, alert, innocent and in tune.  

Everyday we must come to terms with the consequences and rewards of our actions. We must, at times reach deep down inside to the very core of our soul, the very beginning of our beginning to survive. Just when you think you have no way out the Eve in all of us will be waiting in the shadows, reach out and take the apple from her, it's all right. Don't concern yourself with the serpent lurking in the shadows, he won't bite because he is too busy laughing at our demise.



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