What Sets Us Apart

What sets us apart from other species?
Is it our ability to walk upright or our level of consciousness?
Perhaps it is our alleged powers of reasoning or our supposed compassion?
Perhaps its our abuse of power or our talent for spinning truth and reality into an acceptable headline.
We have turned accountability into a dirty word and now think murder is nothing more than a prime time tv show.
What sets us apart from other species, is our complete inability to be real and true.
Animals kill for necessity, we kill out of fear and for the hell of it. 
We hoard and abuse everything. 
There is a creature called, The Hissing Cobra. This animal will hiss to warn those who get to close that they are there and will not tolerate your intrusion, they warn first and if you are still stupid enough to get too close they will spray you with their venum and if that doesn't deter you they will bite you.
Police could learn a lot from this creature, we all could, the lesson is called 'Respect' 
What sets us apart is our free will choice, our gift of deciding to do right or do wrong. The things that set us apart are pulling us apart. 



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