My Doggy In The Window

This past week I was given sad news about my beloved dog, Fiona. 
Fiona has had some strange fainting spells and trouble breathing. We spent the day with a doctor from my states unversity and learned that she has polycythemia and pulmonic stenosis. What these mean is her blood over produces red blood cells so it's like trying to pump toothpaste through her veins and the stenosis is that her heart blood vessels and arteries are too narrow to pump the right amounts of blood into her heart. The doc says she has about one to two years of life left and many changes to activities and of course meds forever. My dog is family. One of her favorite things to do is hang in front of the living room window, and the kids in the neighborhood call her the dog in the window so I created this series of pics to honor her while she lives instead of waiting until she is gone.
Please enjoy...


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