Being An Ugly Girl

I could point out all of my flaws, but all you have to do is look at me and if you live in 21st century America you will be able to spot them with little effort; because our virtual world gives us perpetual exposure to all we love and hate about who we are. 
Fat shaming and bullying have become household terms and although we despise them we all in our own way commit both acts to ourselves and others. 
We study our bodies in the mirror to locate and eradicate our imperfections over and over again in our minds. Imagine a world without mirrors. There was actually a time in our history when women didn't shave their bodies or cover up in make up. These were times when the most important quality of a woman was the ability to bring children into the world. 
Archeologists have been able to verify that our farming and agriculture as we know it began wth a pre historic gal known as 'Our Farming Mother'. We exist only because of the female of our species and yet we are constantly at odds with everything that defines her. 
I wish I understood why I am suspicious of those who say I'm pretty or attractive, because I'll never see it. I refuse to believe I am perfect in my imperfections and it hurts so much that I can't even feel so much as pity for the flaws that shout at me throughout the day. 
Being an ugly girl is not fate or genetics, it's how we choose to perceive ourselves and a prison we willingly live in. 
I'm fat...
My teeth are not straight...
My hair is drab...
I am an ugly girl

I walk with confidence...
I take selfies I like...
My eyes are my crown jewel...
My body does not define me and is not the cause of my success...
I am strong... 
I am loving....

I am beautiful.....I guess


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