
I have failed you my love,
I have failed you for letting go so long ago and only looking back briefly each and every day,
I  failed you with every prayer I chanted for you every morning without praying you back into my life.
I turned away after calling to you silently in the dark of each night,
I listened for your voice only a few times in a day, instead of every moment,
I longed for you just a little in all the agonizing moments since your departure,
How can all I feel for you be so awkward but natural just the same?
I listen to every word you speak as if I am receiving it from my dreams and I am awakened with a sense of redemption.
I should have stayed with you and refused you your time to right all that was off balance in your life.
I should have said those painful words; 'We can still be friends'.
I have failed you for not professing my love so long ago and wielding my passion as a sword to protect your vulnerability.
I failed you by taking away the one thing that gives us all we need to live, that which is unfailing love.


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