Racism Started With Jesus

I am growing increasingly disappointed in our fragile thin skinned population.
I was born a white female American, although my Dad was Native American I have blue eyes and brown hair. I don't turn a blind eye to the plight of my relatives or my ancestors, but I don't run around hating the progeny of people long dead who ruined them and I don't force said progeny to wear head dresses and change their way of life because of my gene pool.
We are all unique, and that's ok. We don't all have to be black or white or brown or red to be accepted. So why then, are we so insistent on forcing ourselves and our way of life on everyone else? We are  great hypocrites.
We blabber on about not being racist, that we accept everyone as they are and want to live in peace... as long as they live in peace in a way that doesn't feel uncomfortable.
Jesus was the first to cause the world to wince at a man of color. Our Savior and King was born into the flesh and blood body of a Middle Eastern man. A man who was dark in skin, eyes and hair. In order to spread the lie that white people are superior he had to be white in order to validate  their status in the developing nations.
The white race has used this lie to push others down and force others into submission.
Now, here we are in the 21st and trying to rewrite history because it makes some people uncomfortable.
I recently saw a blurb on FB that was a picture of a black Santa posing with a white Santa who is his partner. It's supposed to make African Americans and Gay people feel comfortable and included. Included in what? They are already part of their communities and the human race just like us. And now I heard the most Ludacris statement on the most reputable news program of a woman complaining about the home assistant gadgets such as Google Home Assistant, Echo and Alexa. She said that these devices are going to perpetuate slave mentality and discrimination against women because it has a female voice that men operate by giving it commands. Well, first to all you morons the device has either male or female voice whichever you choose and women give them commands too! I talk to mine and always thank it when finished and wish it a good day. If you are a man who intentionally treats your device like shit odds are you treat people that way too.
This idea that everyone is a victim because they are born a woman or a person of color... no wait, we are all people of color, white is a color.
And I'm truly sorry people are upset with our history and want to irradicate it because instead of teaching our children tolerance and reason, we are teaching them to obliterate everything they do not like of feel comfortable with; such as Santa being white and not caring what color or sexual prefernce a kid has or is. Adolf Hitler was white and half Jewish but instead of erasing him from history the people open the camps to the public so you can see and never forget what happened. Reminders are good. Reminders keep us in check.
Another white guy in history was Charles Lindberg and it looks like evidence puts him not only with the nazi party but an accomplice to his son's abduction and murder. No one is rioting at the Smithsonian to remove his plane.
I could go on like this forever, but my point is where does all this intolerance end? Do we have to paint our faces a different color now because our skin offends someone else? Do I have to stop existing as a human being because some random person with no coping skills is uncomfortable?
In a lopsided attempt to enforce tolerance; human kind has become as intolerant as those they oppose.
It simply boggles my mind.
I love Jesus most of all, I am incomplete and nothing without him and yet I am sickened by how my king is used like a sword to slay anyone who doesn't believe that the white race is superior. We are not. It is a lie to try to convince others they are the chosen ones simply because of the color of their skin. And when they saw how powerful Jesus is the white people had to possess that power, but how could they if they depicted him in his true self. And now the school shootings, no black men, no victimized women, no stereotypes to point fingers at, just white, middle class American boys...all of them. Shame on us.


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