Making Sense Of It All

How do we make sense of it all,
Without stumbling off the cliff and fall,
Down to the bottom we crawl,
Climbing our way out of the abyss,
Hoping to grasp a shred of bliss,
Or hope or revelation,
Hurry you might lose that fleeting clarification,
Don't be sad or mad,
You haven't been had,
Just pulled into the same social clutter as me, your mom,your dad,
It all comes down to acceptance I think,
Because we're all circling the drain of the sink,
Making sense of it all doesn't really matter,
When all we ever hear is nonsense and clatter,
Just keep getting up and accepting all as it is without doubt,
No one will ever figure out,
So don't beat yourself up in a one on one brawl to do the impossible,
Of making sense of it all.
Julianna Mason


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