
I fear we will see a  sudden upswing in states embracing medical marijuana, since the exposure of the collusion and criminal acts by doctors and pharms to get as many people addicted to opioids as possible. Now that the people know the truth, that being our broken medical system wants you weak and sick, they need to divert the attention and come up with a new way to enslave us, take our money and keep their lies going. I understand that people feel they need MM because it's taking your pain away but so does Vicodin, and oxycodone and these drugs are just as addictive and deadly. Pot isn't a miracle, it's a replacement crutch. If you need it then you need it but keep in mind its not the miracle they are trying to convince you it is, it is just another relief option and  it is their next big bank roll.
If healthcare was free, then the monsters would not have mountains of money to masturbate on, they would be placed on the same level as all human beings, and once that luster is gone and the fog of greed and power has lifted maybe they will actually get down to the business they swore an oath to do, that being saving lives and sincerely caring for those in need. And for the stoners out there who don't need it but are just addicts; don't kid yourself about how great legalization is or will be, because the more it is legalized the more it will be banned and controlled from public like cigarettes, the more money it will cost, they will tax it and they will refine it down in labs and factories. Think about it, you know what they did to tobacco and it use to be a sacred ritual for some cultures and before the government got their paws on it it was pure and natural and medicinal. Free healthcare for All!


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