I'm Back!

 Holy Smokes! Hello and welcome to the Blah Blah Blogger...again

See, back somewhere in 2016-2017 Google sends me a message that they were discontinuing this E Blogger site. 😒 and that I would have to back up my blog and then be gone. Well, yesterday I was rooting around in my clouds and old virtual places and lo and behold here is my blog still here, still in tact! No clue, but I can't express to you how excited and happy I am because this blog was my very first online platform and has been so important to me I teared up when I opened it up and it felt like I was unearthing a time capsule and memories flooded back. 

So much has happened and changed since that fateful day when I thought my blog was forever a memory. In 2017 my soul mate walked back into my life and has never left. We moved to a big beautiful home in the burbs in the great state of Minnesota. I work full time for the courts and expanded my horizons by starting two YouTube channels, two podcasts, restarted my Paranormal work and currently have set up my first only photography gallery to start (hopefully) selling my work. My soul mate, I call him D and I rescue unwanted aquarium fish salt and fresh and my doggy, Fiona is still by some miracle kicking. I did this past January lose my beloved Turtle, Morty, who had been with me for twenty seven years, he came down with a respiratory infection and died within days.  

 My beloved D was assaulted on the job last year and is now deemed disabled because of it. I began working from home 100% since March 2020. Along with D's life changing assault and my Morty passing, we have suffered some other blows as well. In December one of D's sisters passed, then one of her young sons January 4th and this past Wednesday my oldest brother, Michael died suddenly and without warning, he died 17 years to the day our other brother, Pete passed. D and my nephew both were struck with Covid19, so I was tasked with caring for both of them while working from home, luckily for me I volunteered for the covid19 vaccine trials for Astra Zeneca last winter, so I was fully vaccinated and didn't so much as experience a sniffle while caring for them...get your vaccine, it will save your life! 

Well, when Google obviously mistakenly or perhaps I misunderstood shut down Blogger, I began setting up the 'Mason Salo Happy Home' YouTube channel and a podcast called 'The Blah Blah', they became my alternatives to this my cherished blog. Well, my podcast got shut down because it had become to politically sensitive and I'm ok with that, I realize I was getting more than caught up in the rage and frustration of our social and civil unrest and the podcast just got away from me, it wasn't representative of the 'Woman Simply' that I am. I still have the YouTube channel though and my Paranormal team, well we have a website, a YouTube channel and a podcast. We are at: https://paranormolinvestigationsandconsultations.co    

Our official name is: 'PIAC-Minnesota Paranormal' and can be found on LinkedIn, Facebook, at the link above or you can call or email us at: juilannamason@paranomalinvestigations.co or 952-855-8887.    We also have a podcast called: 'The Medium Manual'. This is about the life and times of a psychic medium...me and can be found on Google Podcast, Anchor, Spotify, ITunes, Cast Box, Radio Public and Pocket Cast.  

So, ya, I've been keeping myself busy and if YouTubing, Podcasting, Ghost busting caring for the sick and working a full time ball and chain job wasn't enough I recently set up my online art gallery on 'Smugmug.com' to showcase and hopefully sell my photos. I have many muses so tried to exhibit a variety of photographic examples of my work, but I also do Spirit Photography although I haven't showcased any examples in my gallery. 

And here we are, back once more and super excited, I feel energized and renewed and look forward to connecting with my old commenters and hope to pick up some new ones, so come join me for some rantings of a Woman Simply and lets blah blah together!

May you be filled with the light and love of the universe and always do good. 


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