Fauci Spelled Backward is Hack
It wasn't until Covid19 came on the scene that anyone had ever heard of Fauci.
Suddenly in 2020 this guy's mug and hideous voice was being crammed down our throats 24/7.
He was touted as an expert, he was the center of attention and the voice of the American people during a terrible crisis, or was it? Well, yes Covid19 is ridiculously contagious and deadly, but so is the Flu, and TB, in fact TB even in 2021 still kills an average of 1.4 million people per year and now we are facing another outbreak of Legionnaires and the Measles once thought to be wiped out for the most part is alive and thriving in many communities worldwide.
Enter Covid19, enter Fauci. The two go hand in hand like Salt and Margaritas and just like Salt and Margaritas they both have the potential to kill if we are careless and excessive.
Now, for the most part I believe the great Covid19 scare of 2020 has run its course, states are lifting mandates, people can connect with other people, we can finally wander in public with the ability to breathe after a year of suffocating in those stupid masks. But as Covid19's reign of terror wanes so does the nation's need for Fauci and I'm not thinking he's happy about it, in fact I think he's starting to panic that his celebrity status is being threatened and he is no longer the poster boy for fear anymore. This never sets well or ends well for narcissists. So, what then must he do to stay in the lime light? Well create another crisis of course! Lately he's been jumping up and down about the Delta variant and having world class tantrums to force the CDC to reinstate mask mandates and certainly not because he cares or because he's right, it's because his planet sized ego has had a taste of fame and he simply doesn't want to be kicked back into the shadows where he belongs.
So where has he been during all the other pandemics and outbreaks? No one ever heard of him until Covd19? If he is such an expert then why wasn't he front and center during the Swine Flu or HIV epidemics? what about SARS? Nope, can't recall even hearing his name during those deadly outbreaks.
And what of Covid19 itself? Why all the fuss? Ok, it's contagious, it's deadly and I think it's not just another virus, but a bio weapon that got too big too fast.
Enter everyone's most infamous frenemy, China, the nation we all love to hate.
Communism, Slavery and torture aside, China rolls out some pretty impressive electronics and now deadly bio weapons too. My theory, the Chinese created it in a lab and were perfecting it to loose if needed in war or against their people who protest, but it got away from them and out into the world before they were ready, and they were blindsided. Covid19 should be just another virus we all have to be aware of and vaccinated for, but because it's most likely a bio weapon that changes the entire dynamic and it opened up all of china's heinous secrets exposed for all the world to see. This would explain all the crazy reaction globally, because no other nation may have known about it or had any idea what Covid19 is capable of since it's not your average garden variety virus. The planet panicked and went to the extreme in order to contain it until such a time when they could study it and determine it's immediate and long term affects on the living.
And so the world pushed though and some hung on every word of Fauci's and now that we have survived and come out into the light once more Fauci is no longer the nations Covid19 darling and he is pissed I'm sure. About a week ago the new CDC director said she would not move backward with easing restrictions and recommendations. Fauci blew a gasket at this news, because it was the reality he feared, that he would be pushed back into the shadows once more to return to his obscure and minuscule existence. He couldn't accept his fate, so he started the panic up again, arguing with other doctors and freaking out that Americans are no longer shut up and shut down, this simply cannot stand! So he climbed back on his soap box and began ranting about the Delta variant and bullying the CDC. Wow! It's actually painful to watch such an unimportant little man fight for attention, but here we are.
And while I'm here, just to mention, the CDC is not a law making agency. They don't have the scope of authority they and Fauci want you to believe they do. They cannot force your business closed or regulate how you do business and they can't force you to wear masks so please stop running around telling everyone the CDC says to do this and the CDC say to do that... It is a crock of shit thrown at a smoke screen.
And so here we are watching the end of Fauci's one hit wonder performance and his battle to stay on top, but in the end no matter what happens Fauci will be nothing more and a walking ego and a hack.
May you be filled with the light and love of the universe and always do good.
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