
Like a lot of Americans I start my day with news and current events updates. This morning I came across the word, Jaded in an article and it stung, it stung to read it, to say it aloud and to feel that it is an accurate term that so many of us live with everyday.
I have been unemployed since last month and job searching is no longer a matter of presenting an employer with your Resume. It has become unecessarily long application processes online and faceless anonymity that decides ones employment fate.
I see struggle and hatred and inhumane horrors all around and I never wonder why we are so Jaded.
 I have been handed all of the cliche's such as 'it will get better', don't worry you're not alone', 'don't beat yourself up', 'stay positive' on and on they come from the mouths of friends and family,but today they slip by me.
Today I feel Jaded. I am accoutable for my actions and in no way feel self pity, but I am feeling as though the goals of corporate American have become feral. Human Resource Departments seem to revel in imaginary war games between copies of resumes and play God with peoples lives. This is not to say that they owe any of us jobs as we have to earn them oursleves, but just once I would love to have them on our side of the fence. Those who have secure employment and hold high positions often times forget or don't even know what it is like to struggle with the unknown and with the indignity of applying for work. 
Unemployment in America is a festering epidemic and everyone knows this. So why are we not coming together to do something about it? Because we make corporate America uncomfortable. We are the mirror they slink away from. I commend the workers and supporters of last weeks walkout of employees from the world's largets retailer. Corporate America you are not helping anyone by creating millions of jobs that do not pay a livable wage, you are contributing to the rampant rise in healthcare cost because you provide inadequate benefits. You are not helping to prevent poverty in America, you are helping to create it.  To those employers who might actually read my blogs, know that strong opinions aside, I am a good employee, because I am never late or absent, I give 1000% to every task, I am a fast learner, I have values such as loyalty and I take pride in every job I have from cleaning toilets at a Rehab hospital to Head of Security for one our nations oldest and enduring retailers. I have earned my stripes and bruises and have an bottomless well of skills and epxerience I can bring to any table and if you have room for one more at yours let me know, I am here, I am willing and I am ready.


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