Gate, Crate or Fate...A Dog's Tale

Dogs are the most popular furry four legged family members in the U.S.
Two weeks ago I adopted a little gal and needed some things and like most parents we want the best for our kids fur or no fur and of course we want what IS best for them as well.
This sparked an inner debate for me about the best way to keep her safe while I am not with her and there seemed to be three popular options, but of course not every option is optimal for every dog.
There is the crate. These innovative boxes come in an endless array of sizes, shapes and colors and now some are even integrated into pieces of furniture so they are not just stylish, but they have more then one role in the room such as drawers for storage. the idea behind a crate is to assist with housebreaking and give Fido a quiet den like place to call their own. This is important as dos are den dwellers and like all members of the family they deserve to have their own room too,
Then there are Child gates...aka...Pet Barriers. These gems, like crates come in even more sizes, colors and designs. and they work by confining Fifi to one room or area of your home and for many this is a great way to keep the peace and keep them safe, that is unless your doggy is adept at climbing like a Lumber Jack or jumping like a Deer or is as strong as a plow truck and just knocks the bloody thing over.

Last but not least is simply giving your dog the freedom to roam wild and free while you are at work. This is great in theory and for some they have no worries and like the idea of having Rover roam the homestead to keep an eye on things while you're away, but alas this is not a really good idea for all pooches especially the ones who are not housebroken or prefer to dine on your furnishings when your back is turned. 
I love dogs, I love them with all my heart and soul and I sympathize with the decisions that at times must be made to make life for them and for their humans more safe and stress free. It would be great to think that all dogs can be left to their deserved freedom and show you just how trustworthy they can be, but dogs like people are unique and individual in their behaviors as well as their needs, so if you are cringing when you have to put Fluffy in her crate every day...Don't because she really may not mind and it will give you piece of mind knowing that she is safe and secure and doing what comes naturally for her species. If you chose a gate even better! but if you are brave enough to leave your pooch running free, then I commend you! For me and my Fiona, we use all three choices, the crate when I am gone, the gate when I am needing her not to follow me upstairs and every now and then a little bit of freedom for a few minutes here and there.
My decision to not go with one but all of my options for safe confinement was  made so much easier because I love her and let that guide me not my guilt over putting her in a crate every day or wanting to have some time to myself. There will be more important things to worry about like what will their signature color be or should you go with the leather dog chair or the faux suede love seat...


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