A Bone-A-Fide Winner!


Dogs have ascended from the station of mere house pet to a full on family member.
And through this evolvement we have learned so much about their behavior and their needs as protectors, carnivores, hunters and pack animals and have an understanding about how different breeds have different needs, so we have developed toys that, too understand what makes a dog tick.  
Dogs are so amazing in their variety of personalities and talents and some of them are astounding Athletes, Guides, Actors, Soldiers and Law Enforcement Officers, Therapists, and Models ( Hell, some dogs make more money than me)  and toys can aid in not simply developing those talents but exercising their minds and bodies.
There are toys for jumpers, runners, leaper, pullers, tuggers, huggers and retrievers.
They come in every size, shape and color, but a dog will generally let you know which toys are right for them and will respond enthusiastically to certain ones over others and then of course there are the dogs, who like our human kids prefer the packaging over the contents and your slippers instead of their furry squeak toy. For those who may still be wondering why it seems to be hard wired into their brains to chew our shoes or run away with our underwear, it is because those things contain our scent even after washing and it is a way for them to stay "connected' to us especially when we are not with them...our presence...our scent makes them happy.
Of course, as with our human kids we must always be weary of safety and just because a toy is"labeled" as a pet toy does not mean that the manufacturer has considered safety in their designs.
Look for toys that do not have plastic parts that they can pull off and choke on or toys that can become unraveled or have cloth parts that can be swallowed and PLEASE NEVER GIVE YOUR POOCH RAWHIDE WHEN YOU ARE NOT HOME TO SUPERVISE AS IT BECOMES CLOTH LIKE IN IT'S TEXTURE WHEN WET AND CAN AND HAS KILLED MANY TOGS TO SUFFOCATION AS WELL AS CHOKING!  I HAVE EXPERIENCED THIS FIRST HAND.
Also, be careful of the type of rawhide as some that is imported has been preserved with toxins such as Arsenic and dyes and chemicals that over time can cause serious health problems and eventually death.
Dogs are amazing in their design, in their remarkable abilities and in their insistence to love, honor and share their world with us, so let's honor that loyalty with a treat filled Kong or a squeaky little furry alien or a Frisbee and if you have toys your Fur Kid is just not into, then please bring them to your local shelter and donate to shelter dogs who have nothing of their own.


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