I Love You, I Hate You, I Love The Way I Hate You

The most strenuous relationship we will ever have is with ourselves.
We are now at a societal point where it is drilled into our heads to love ourselves and accept who we are, how we look and be brave enough to shout to the world our hopes and dreams and yet our children are gunning each other down it what is to be one of the safest places for them to grow and just 'Be'.
Adults are being bullied as much as kids in the workplace and in our neighbrhoods at an alarming rate and the media is riddled with heartwrenching story after story of suicide after suicide.
I attended a Town Hall discussion earlier this week and  some of the advice was to not isolate yourself, but how can we not isolate ourselves?
When someone is victim to tragedy I feel it, when another is harmed I want to stop it and when someone is in agony I want only to take it away and show them the good that there is and when someone is experiencing joy I want to encourage them on and yet as much as I love the human race I despise them with the same verve. Why do we call ourselves the Human Race for anyway? What is it we are racing to or from? Why can't we just 'Be'?


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