Don't Worry Be Happy



noun \ˈha-pē-nəs\

Definition of HAPPINESS

obsolete : good fortune : prosperity
a : a state of well-being and contentment : joy
b : a pleasurable or satisfying experience
We here it all the time, Don't Worry Be Happy, but what does being happy really truly mean to each of us at our deepest most intimate level of emotion?
For me in order to be happy I must be without fear, because without fear I will not have doubt and without doubt I would not have reason to regret and without regret I would have no reason to question my life.
Is it when we feel complete and unconditional love? Are we at our happiest when we are doing well at our job or does happiness in the workplace come not from being happy to be there but rather when we come to terms with our circumstance and just be at peace with it?
There are so many people who are in love with their children that they would simply cease to exist if there children did. Life should not to be lived vicariously through another and I cannot imagine the horrendous burden a child must feel when their parents live and breathe through them, this would make me worrisome not happy. I was lucky, my parents were not in love with us.
I have been practicing how to utilize the power of positive thinking and positive visualization, but my moments of bliss are fleeting because I have to get up and face every part of my day be it good or otherwise. Scarlett O'Hara said; 'I'll think about that tomorrow". She had a valid point and I try so hard to live by this little gem, but eventually tomorrow will come, we cannot run and hide from who we are or what we must do and what I must do right now is play a few games of Solitaire because it makes me happy.


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