Social Media Burnout

I have not been on Face Book in a few weeks because I am simply burned out on the Social Media scene. I am bored with the same stale posts and the endless stream of chain postings insisting that you must put this or that on your wall to bring you luck or God will heal all of your troubles if you just share this one picture. 
Why do people (my beloved ones included) feel they need to put up pics of their supper or let the world know they are at Walmart?
Is it me or is it my lack of understanding of Culture, Subculture and Social interactions?
I love you, but I don't care what you had for breakfast and who in their right mind would admit to willingly shopping at Walmart?
Ok, ok so your children, puppies and kitties are very adorable and I am sorry you had a long day at work.
 Am I becoming Anti Social or just cynical? Perhaps it is my Admin page, the one where I work tirelessly to try to find homes for every Animal suffering in a Shelter and end Animal abuse and cruelty or maybe I really do love you all but simply don't care about your dining, shopping or bathroom habits.
Whatever the reason I am burned out on the endless stream of endlessly streaming nonsensical topics that are stuck in endless loops...the same pics and posts coming back around and some outdated and no longer pertinent.
I think we keep clicking the SHARE tab just to feel something, to believe we are connecting to the world around us, doing good and bonding with humanity, but for me I long for a more meaningful time when people wrote letters on paper and mailed them out or actually used a phone for speaking words to one another instead of texting them.
What will happen to humanity when Social Media runs its' course? What will be next for us?


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