What A Fool Believes

Recently I was dramatically misunderstood by a relative during a conversation about religion.
The part that makes me sad is that this person has never once asked me in my entire life what I thought about the subject or what my beliefs are and yet I was accused of being something I am not.
 This person would not know a Bible from a Playboy, but has many ugly, vicious and volatile opinions on the subject of Organized Religion.
I have studied Christianity and Judaism, I respect Muslims but claim to know nothing of their life style. I have been baptized and ordained, I have been prayed for, chanted over, blessed and cursed and I can say with confidence that I make an effort to know my subject before I decide if hatred is going to become my opinion of it.
I think the reason people fight over Religion and Politics is not so much they believe they are right but because people have lost their ability to respect one another as individuals with individual minds.
It is about controlling another person. The last time I saw this relative we were to go out and have lunch and shop a bit. During the visit I was shrieked at in public and ordered about by her because I commented on a watch that I thought was pretty. I was humiliated and treated horribly by this person who is suppose to love me and I did nothing wrong, said nothing wrong and even if I had I am a grown woman and a person with feelings!
Even though the discussion was based on historical and scientific fact that actually agreed with her opinion she still lost her temper...again I say HUH?!?!
In this age of instant knowledge why are we more ignorant and intolerably stupid than we were in the last few centuries?


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