I Want My Free TV!

Some of my favorite things are my antiques, my radios circa 1930's, my 8 track tapes circa 1970's and my favorite, a 1953 television.
I was not around when this beauty was the amazing new technology but I keep it positioned alonside my Flat Screen and Blue Ray and often ponder how far we have come though not technologically.
I am referring to how our advancements have propelled Capitslism into an oblivion of greed.
I'm talking about cable and satellite providers. I'm talking about our right to the air waves, our right to access live local news and a bit of entertainmemt without being raped and ripped off by companies who hold a basic human need and right for information and awareness in the folds of their wallets.
I do not have cable or satellite. I get my (unlimited) internet through my city's co-op for less than twenty dollars per month and I enjoy an array of programs that came preloaded into my Blue Ray. I have a state of the art computer and phone so I have access to all I want or need without handing over any of my hard earned money to companies that price gouge, lie,cheat and steal to make millions off of people who like me just want to have something to watch. I recently read a report that there are people like me who have joined the movement to fight against cable and satellite providers, people like me who remember growing up in a time when our favorite shows were free and no one in their right mind thought they needed Five hundred channels to be enriched or think they simply must pay for [ satellite ] radio because they don't have the emotional strength to tolerate a commercial... sometimes the ads are better the the show.
C'mon people! Snap out of this media trance you have all been lured into.
If you want to pay enormous amounts of money to have channel after channel of meaningless content that is your choice, but for those like me who know better, we will continue to enjoy our Blue Rays, our Talk Radio and our books and keep our money in our pockets.
There has to be a better way.


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