The Fear Of Being Free

What is your definition of Freedom?
For most Americans they will say the definition of Freedom is the points laid out in our great Constitution, such as the Freedom of Religion and the Freedom of Speech.
Do we really have the freedom to practice the religion of our choice, well yes we do actually, but we really don't have the Freedom of Speech and we are not allowed much else for freedoms either, but I am not interested in what our government tells us freedom is, I want to know who among us really knows the true meaning of Freedom.
The very idea of being completely free comes in many forms and I think the idea of true freedom is so frightening to most people that they subconsciously sabotage themselves.
Freedom is something we were born with in the form of  'Free Will Choice'.
All of our choices good, bad, right or wrong are still 'Our' choices and that's not say the there should not be consequences for harmful actions, but we have forgotten that when we first exploded into existence, walked on land and became us we were truly and completely free.
We could wander where we chose and feed on what we wanted and we bartered. 
The Wildebeest multiplies proficiently so the Lion can eat, the Lion wastes so the Vulture can eat.
Mother Earth produces our sustenance, we cultivate and nurture her crops and she produces more in the spring.
Bartering makes us Free but it carries such power that most are too scared to even entertain the thought. We have lost our ability to trust one another, to trust that you will rise in the morning and carry out your promises, promises of doing your part to to be free and in turn give others thier freedom.
It is so much easier to get up each morning and fall in line with the rest of the drone population.
We carry unimaginable mountains of debt, we think owning our own home is freedom but how is working endless hours to pay a mortgage and spending your free time maintaining your castle free? How is owing a  perpetual property tax and putting everything that is you into a house only to have it confiscated by forfieture freedom? Vehicles are held hostage by loan companies; some who don't even have any connection to the automotivve industry by monthly payments and insurance premiums, how is this free especially when most Americans trade in their cars every year or so and the payments like property taxes become perpetual. How is living in fear of losing everything freedom? For me, freedom is peace, it is letting go and it is accepting that we are temperary and we alone must find what makes us free.  


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