Dying To Get In

On December 08,1993 [then] President Clinton enacted the North American Free Trade Agreement or NAFTA as it has come to be known. This act went into effect January 01,1994.
When this act became reality it opened the markets for import/export of goods and with this American Farmers and big business agriculture began exporting produce into South America, produce such as Strawberries and Corn both of which are primary agricultural staples in Mexico and other countries south of the border.
By flooding their markets with US products their farming industry took a nose dive and drove entire communities into literal extinction. These people having no support from their governments, no formal education because most were legacy farmers, no resources and illiteracy were forced to do whatever they could to  survive and keep their families alive and fed. In many of these cases they had no choice but to come here to the US to do what they do best and the only thing they know...farming, farming of foods like Strawberries and Corn and Pork. Many don't like it here and most likely want only to go back to their home country and be farmers, but we kind of took that away from them didn't we?

In 2014 the nation was in crisis because of the 90,000 children south of the border who fled here because their lives were in peril, in peril because of violent and corrupt governments and extreme crime brought on by poverty among many reasons. Now we, the greatest nation on earth sit back and do nothing to help our American brothers, yet we are sending millions of troops all over the world to take down corrupt governments and terrorists and restore order and instill democracy and yet children are fleeing for their lives because no one is coming to their aid, we are not coming to their aid so they came to us.

And Americans scorn them and think they are somehow a threat to the American way of life. The only threat to our way of life is our arrogance, ignorance and fear. 

" Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free"

Emma Lazarus


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