Learning Nothing

The single greatest threat to our nation and to humanity is baseless fears perpetuated by ignorance. 
Immigrants are not coming through our borders and demanding subservience, in fact some are here because they're fleeing for their lives. 
They are not deliberately trying to take anything away from you, they are taking what is offered by our government and no Obama is not at fault because every president keeps our borders open and keeps the programs running that are being offered. Did you know that 70% of all the people in America on welfare, food stamps etc are white Americans and only 15% are Hispanic, and 2% are Asian. So before you post your next offensive sign on social media about how they need to stop coming here to take away your life think about educating yourself first and save yourself the embarrassment by your own stupidity. 
No one is coming here and demanding that we learn their language, in fact some who come here are illiterate of their own language. You can't expect them to learn ours overnight. 44% of Americans are illiterate and no one is chastising them and demanding they learn English, but 56% of all Hispanics in America are not only literate but bi lingual, how many of you can say that? 
So what if you have to press 1 for English, are you so lazy you can't press a button and so what if the other option is Spanish? People would have a fit no matter what other language option was. 
Why are Americans so hostile? Did you get tossed out of your house so an immigrant could move in? Have you been denied food, clothing or a car so an immigrant could have it? Probably not, if you have it is because of something you have done not some poor farmer from Mexico. 
FYI: almost 90% of the American prison population is...well Americans and of that more than half are white and sadly we have the largest prison population in the world...hmm seems to me that immigrants follow and respect our laws more than we do.
It's no longer enough to say you have no problem with immigrants especially when you don't mean it. It is time for America to grow a conscience and start acting like true Americans, walk the walk and talk the talk. This is not a matter of religion either, it is a matter of choosing to be a good human being. 
And so what if the bible says being gay is wrong, what business is that of yours? Who died and made you God? It doesn't matter what the bible or any text says, it is only up to you to make your own choices and be at peace with them and let God decide who is right or wrong. Start respecting people as individuals who are free to make their own choices and if you don't like their choice it's none of your business. Children are being gunned down daily on the streets of our nation and that should appall you not what some complete stranger does in the privacy of their own home. 
I love my country so much it hurts, and yet I feel such embarrassment for what we have become. I would lay down my life for America and no other but I hope if I ever have to it won't be to defend it against one of its own. 


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