A Mouth Full

I have recently made a life changing decision to become Vegan. 
I have throughout the years taken measures for the sake of my health. In 2007 I began a weight loss regimen and lost 250 lbs. I have for the most part kept it off and have tried to keep healthy by working out and trying to eat healthy most of the time. I don't consume any kind of alcohol, drugs or tobacco.
I have no memory of when or how I came to this decision or why and perhaps it's not even important. What's important  is that I have begun a journey that initially was to lose a bit more weight but the Vegan diet isn't just a diet, like Yoga it is a way of living.

I was afraid at first for many reasons. I thought I would be hungry all the time and when I'm hungry I get dizzy and get headaches, I was wrong. I was afraid friends and family would reject me and never invite me to cook outs or restaurants, and again I was wrong.
I worried it would be more expensive to buy healthy food that would last through my two week budget, again I as wrong. 

I noticed within days and without exaggeration that I didn't need to apply moisturizer , my pain and stiffness of Osteo Arthritis diminished enough that I didn't require pain relievers three times per day and today is day two that I have not had to take anything as my discomfort is absent. I noticed that my breathing is improved and I'm sleeping better. This leads me to think that something I have been consuming has been the culprit causing my arthritis to flare and my breathing to be an issue such as gluten and as far as my skin, well a number of things we ingest can leach moisture from our epidermis.
Cooking has never been one of my strong attributes and I've been worried that I would not be able to come up with imaginative ideas for meals and recipes but so far I'm impressed with the options and uses of many items of produce and things like beans. The most important cooking tool is ones imagination and thinking outside the box, an example being using sweet potatoes as a base for desserts like pudding and using things like slices of citrus fruits and avocado as dressings for salads. 
I have been using avocado as a spread on toast in place of butter or mayo and hummus makes a great spread as well. I'm using organic sprouted grain bread and though it's about a dollar more per loaf it is so heavy that one slice fills me up where two of ordinary bread would have been used. 
I have noticed that I'm actually eating less amounts of food and I'm sure it's because the nutrition is so heavily concentrated in pure food that I need less of it to feel fueled and satisfied. 
There are many reasons why a Vegan diet is better, it is anti inflammatory, it detoxifies your entire body which leads to controlling and in some cases eliminating diabetes, high blood pressure, hardening of arteries, some forms of cancer, Alzheimer's and can slow your body's aging process and reduce and eliminate cellulite. Of course weight  loss is also a great side affect for those of us with a few pounds to lose. 

There are positive environmental side effects such as dramatically less food and packaging waste and of course the entire animal welfare fight to which I am an advocate to save creatures, but eating meat seemed kind of hypocritical. 

For me this decision is deeply personal and intimate, but for others it may be overwhelming and no one should ever make a complete diet change without talking to your doctor. If you are not vegan you are still a good person. If you choose to be a couch potato and never work out you are still as valid and valued as all other people. If you have health problems don't let people blame you or shame you into thinking it is all your fault. We are all related brothers and sisters under God and we are all responsible for each other. All I can do is share my experiences with you, my thoughts, feelings and findings with you and let you decide how to nourish yourself. Now that's a mouth full. 


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