Out On A Limb

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It all started with a tree or so they say, the tree of knowledge. 
An innocent woman young and curious about the tree that grows in her garden,
A voice from another dimension invokes the order to never partake of the fruit of that tree and yet never  says why.
The voice of a Father who brought her to life and yet here she is in her existence unknowing of all except her mate. 
To what purpose Father had in mind for our existence and demise at that moment will never be known, because the woman overcome with curiosity and listening to another voice in her garden ate the fruit of that tree. 
She was an innocent child who Father kept in a world of purity that never changed, never evolved and never grew up.  
Was it always his intention for her to disobey?  Perhaps he wanted us to use our own minds and move on through evolution by making our own choices. Well, Father did create us with 'Free will choice'. The serpent in the garden was also a child of God.
It makes sense to think that her defiance brought about our shame because shame is the residue of guilt, and guilt leads to lessons learned, but what was she really guilty of? Disobedience or a fearless gesture at doing all she could to better her species and open up an infinite well of intelligence and knowledge. I wonder how life would be if it were the man who ate the fruit first, but then he did eat that fruit because she asked him and he trusted her. Perhaps he was not concerned about the consequences because he knew she was right. Maybe the lesson we are intended to learn from the incident in Eden is not to always obey with abject servitude, but rather go out on limb and open ouselves to the infinite. 


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