The Things I Say

I am a woman who exists solely for the sake of justice. I have been this way since the beginning of me.
I fight for justice with my mouth and I fight for those who have mouths but no voice. I can't seem to accept horrible people with horrible minds or people who prefer ignorance over enlightenment and yet the vast portion of my rantings seem ignorant (I am sure) to others.
I've heard it called passive aggressive as if either are a bad thing whether together or separate.
I find that it is inconceivable to simply keep my mouth shut, I can't allow bad things to happen without saying what wells up in my mind until it spills over into my heart causing pressure in my brain.
I have to release the pressure of all that rage and shock and perplexity that gives me fuel.
All who know me know that I despise scammers, doctors, Trump the chump and everyone associated with said chump and so many other things.
I get mad at myself too and a lot. I get so angry that my eyes are shot and my body feels like I'm carrying a backpack full of lead around. I can't seem to locate and reclaim the me I was before, although I will never surrender the fight to try and find her.
I'm not one to tell it like it is because 'like it is' is purely based on each individuals perception of what things are like. I prefer to blurt out my feelings in the moment. Sarcasm is like a drug for me. I can make a statement to someone that I mean seriously and they laugh and laugh because they think it's sarcasm and I'm being funny. I think sarcasm is one of the most important aspects of human language because it is true and so is swearing. It's said that science has evidence that people who use profanity are 40% more honest than people who don't. I grew up in a house where profanity was spoken like a second language and no one in my family has ever been accused of being politically correct.
I also live with a very vocal demon called Axiety Disorder; brought on by PTSD. Anxiety, not unlikeTouretts Syndrome can manifest itself in a way that can be construed as inappropriate even though it's a knee-jerk reaction that simply can't be helped.
I don't think it's worth ranting about the obvious such as Aliens do exist, ghosts walk among us, Bigfoot is totally real and 9/11 was a planned attack by our own government. I like to savor my soap box for important things such as trying to wake the American people to stop letting doctors and insurance companies control you. The truth about all those too good to be true videos on Utube and nowhere in the definition of Spring does it say that it can't snow in the season of love.
I yell, scream and holler about a lot of things and I know my family never takes me seriously, which is a blessing and a curse, because when I really need them to pay attention they disregard my many years of experience, education and knowledge to go on believing they are right and I am wrong. This of course is their prerogative. And so I go on about my business, making people laugh and speak  what I  need to speak and let the world fall on its face as it is meant to do no matter what I  have to say about it; because the things I say are mine to say and hold on to as my truth, my myth and my sword.


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