The Don

Donald J. Trump was elected and served one full term as the 45th president of the United States.
He was out voted in the 2020 election by a guy named Biden. 
Seven months have passed and every time the dust begins to settle someone comes around with a leaf blower and rustles it all up again. 
Don is quite an anomaly. He ran for an office whose government's most elite narcissists didn't want him to have and a nation of beleaguered citizens who were thrown for a loop the size of a Saturn ring; just to realize Don hated politics and politicians as much as they did.
How could it be that a man with no political experience, no political college degrees and no sense to know when shut his pie hole could be president, but there he was as big as life and with every rally he gathered more and more steam to win what most thought was an unwinnable election. 
So why is it that he won? How could this have happened? Well, I have my theories and perhaps there is no specific conclusion to arrive at here, but my guess is he tapped into the hearts and minds of a group of Americans known as 'The Average Joe'.
So, here is Joe a middle aged American guy ball and chained to a mortgage, probably at least one divorce under his belt and a national debt worth of child support and his own form of reparations that being spousal support. 
He more than likely works in labor or industry where the threat of lay off looms large and he is over worked, under paid and most definitely not appreciated. He's got a chip on his shoulder the size of an extinction level meteor and believes that minorities and immigrants are taking away his money, his housing, his jobs, his language, his worth and place in society. These are to some degree baseless fears, but nonetheless fears that are as real to Joe as the yogurt running down the side of my bowl. 
Joe sees and hears and listens to all the great things our nation is doing for all Americans and he feels left out or worse tasked with the burden of making up for the gap in money to pay for all those not working by being taxed to death.
He's also a guy who feels so let down, so betrayed by his government that he lies awake at night fantasizing about slapping the stupid out of every Ken and Barbie politician who he believes is to blame for every problem he has. 
And, Joe has always had a devout love of country and raging hate for those of color or religion or nationality that isn't his, because it's been crammed down his throat that they are being coddled and catered and he being told to buck up. 
Enter Don. Here's a guy with no moral compass, goofy hair and a really bad spray tan. He shows up on the campaign trail like the celebrity diva he is and always a bit hunched in an ill fitting suit of wrinkles. And there he is, this man,  who like Joe hates politicians and taxes and lots of other things. Don seems to have a chip on his shoulder too. Here's a guy who's had as many divorces as he's had Bankruptcies. He's constantly being laughed at and investigated yet here he is on the world stage front and center looking Joe in the eye and telling him he will drain the swamp that's drowning poor Joe. And he's a gagillionaire to boot! So ya, he's got the balls and dough to fight all the way to the Oval Office and all for you! 
He's rude, he's crude, he's the dude, vote Donald Trump! 
And the most impactful deciding factor was Don's hatred of Hillary. He connected with Joe on a deep and emotional level for having the balls to express his hatred publicly and in a way that raised alarms for some about what lengths of aggression he would rise too. 
Don did actually make good on some of his campaign promises and some Average Joes saw an increase in prosperity and results are what it's all about isn't it? 
Now, on the other side of this there were some really serious major players in business and politics who genuflected in his presence to the shock and bewilderment of many on both sides of the political divide. And when powerful people endorse a powerful man who taps into the rage and misery of so many there's no stopping him. 
He threw the nation completely off guard and in a state of shock and awe everyone followed. 
Wherever Don went a Conservative's rave party popped up. 
Not everyone who fell in love with Don was an average Joe. Some were people who knew no hardships and had no worries in life. Silver spoons and debutantes and career politicians with old school values who just can't seem to accept that it's no longer the middle of the 20th century. 
Now, I'm in no way lobbing insults or trying to degrade or diminish Joe in any way, he is the backbone of this nation and put upon by an ungrateful and selfish government who thinks he's expendable. His opinion means nothing. He can be replaced with immigrants who will work for literally slave wages. Sound familiar? Sound crazy? Truth hurt? 
When faced with reality your enemies will always divert the attention away from themselves and vilify those who look them in the eye without flinching and they will always avert their eyes from the harsh light shed upon them. 
So here sits Average Joe feeling deflated and kicked back to the curb after 4 years and not feeling like he hasn't an advocate anywhere and so he slips back into the shadows to wait with his hand over his heart in reverence to the Flag and like an abused dog he gets up and licks his wounds and wags his tail  when his shitty owner comes home. 

'May you be filled with the light and love of the universe and always do good'.


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