We The Brat

In this post  presidential election pre Mayan Long Calendar Debate,
I am seeing more and more irony rear its ugly head in the form of complaining Americans.
We the People complain about how much our governmemt is taking from us and supressing us and no one has any good to say about our government. Yet when those same People suddenly become unemployed the first thing they do is file for unemployment....with said government, if we become sick or injured and cannot work we claim Disability or if we hurt ourselves on the job we file for workers compensation and we do so feeling justified. When we have had enough and decide to protest this unfair treatment we first get a government permit to make our tantrum legal.
I see this dysfunctional relationship between America and Americans as that of a rebellious teen at odds with their parent, but in this case it may be the parent who should heed the advice of the brat.
The United States of America is our Mom who divorced our Founding Father so she could spread her legs for the bright shiny Sugar Daddy who goes by the name, Corporate America.
The more we whine and complain the worse our condition becomes because change is uncomfortable, we fear the unknown and that which we do not understand.
We long for change, for a sanity we have never known and yet we fear the one thing we most desire.
Some wonder if the Myans knew what the future holds and some hope that it all comes to an end on the 21st and then what will the brat do? Without government we have no basic necessities like heat and lights, no law enforcememt or emergency services, we would be like runaways trying to live on the streets.
I guess what I am trying to say is that we cannot survive without government but our governmemt cannot survive if it does not change.
This family needs more than a group hug, this family needs a serious intervention.


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