I Am Angry

I hate liars, cheats, thieves, ignorance and hatred itself.
I am sickened by bad people getting everything while innocent decent people get nothing. I am fed up with my County's government putting their selfishness and paychecks ahead of the American People.
I am angry at those who stole my rent refund check...I know who you are and you have not heard the last of me.
I wish a cop would show up when you needed one on the road; when stupid arrogant drivers speed or think they are so great at driving that they can apply makeup, talk, text and scream at the kids in their backseat while operating the steering wheel!
I have no time for petty people, controlling people or those filled with conceit.
I take pride in myself because I get up and go to work every freakin day and not be late, I pay my bills and I go without to pay those bills and if need be my pets come before my needs.
I obey the law because I love the law, I don't lie, cheat or steal, I actually do help old people across the street, hell I park faraway almost all of the time so as to give the primo spaces to those who need them more, because I believe in practicing courtesy and compassion for others.
I have everything and nothing and go out into the world walking like a woman with pride and a purpose even though my insides are jelly from the constant fear that cloaks me like a wet wool blanket every waking moment of my thin and unnoticed life.


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