The Age Of Reason?

I love Fairy Tales, Urban Legends and good old fashioned Ghost stories, so when I happened upon a blurb on something called; The Age of Reason I chuckled a bit at such a fantastic notion.
I did some digging and found a couple of ( what must be) ficticious definitions of  this Age of Reason theory.
Appearently sometime between the years 1600 to 1800 we supposedly went through a social, mental, political and spiritual transformation in which our European Ancesters declared that each person had a mind of their own, had the right to formulate their own opinions oh and Witch Hunting was outlawed.
The other meaning that pops up for  this Age of Reason is also when a child becomes an adult in their late teens and can start making their own decisions and go their own way.
So, if we are so reasonable starting in our tender teens, then why are children gunning down their classmates and making decisions while operating motor vehicles that kill all of their passengers?
Why is the idea of healthcare being a right and not a prviledge such a ludacris notion?
Why do we find video games of horrific content entertaning and yet some would not dare take their children trick or treating for fear it would frighten them?

Is it reasonable to think that an endless chain of wars is getting  anywhere?
Nothing happening in our world today makes much sense to me, in fact lunacy is becoming the norm and reason is but a novel notion. I suppose reason is like anything else in our minds, it is what we perceive, it is the things we can rationalize into a believable scenario.


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