The Lost

The tragic death of Mindy Mcready is yet another example of how mental illness and it's victims are falling through the cracks of not just society but , our "Powers that be" and the Mental Health professionals.
There are an endless array of components causing this daily loss, but with some of them we really can force a change, such as untie the hands of the doctors so they are no longer choking on the yoke of political correctness because peoples lives are at stake here!
We need to clear the blurred line between a persons right to choice and freedom and our rights and choice to feel safe in our schools and public facilities and know that those who are helpless to help themselves will indeed get all the care they need to recover or manage their afflictions.
We need to take the insurance industy's control away from them and make mental health care free so there will be no limit to the options we have to empower ourselves and our loved ones to seek help so all can live safe quality lives, so all can live in a world where someday children don't gun down children and people like Mindy Mcready will have reason to live not a feeling of having no way out.


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