Simply Delicious

I have started taking my health more seriously these past few months and spend time researching healthy eating habits, natural recipes and alternatives to processed chemically saturated foods. I am learning about how products are made and that some foods labeled Organic are really not. I have learned that bottled water has a problem not only with what is in the bottle, but what the bottle itself is made of.
I am trying new kinds of exotic produce and looking up recipes by the dozens.
I purchased this great little single serve blender that makes juice out of anything I toss in it and breaks down seeds, rinds and peelings like those big cumbersome juicing machines that take up a room, cost a fortune and produce a minute amount of product.
All you need to create your own super food juices is a high speed blender and a bit of imagination.
I have had my hits and misses but now have a great base recipe of filtered water, grapes, carrots ( I like to use the shredded kind) then I add whatever fruits and veggies I have on hand and a handful of each is all you need. As far as taste, well if you want a juice with veggies in it that tastes like grapes then add's a no brainer 
My beau ran amok through a book store recently and purchased some great books for me such as:
Homesteading by Abigail Gehring and the two volume set of Country Wisdom and Know How from: Stockpile Books.
These texts have really great simple ways of making ordinary everyday items we pick up already made like butter with only a jar, a marble and some joke!  and of course they mention how to can, dry and store all sorts of foods and spices and herbs and you don't need expensive kitchen gadgets to do so, in fact theses great volumes even instruct you on how to build some great contraptions to help you in your quest for healthier eating.
It is astounding at how some of our species most ancient and practical food processes have become so caught up in commercial industry. We have monoculture farming which is destroying the soil, city sized meat raising operations that stress out the animals and make them sick which in turn gets passed onto us the consumer, then there is the billion dollar bottled water industry that not only packages the water in potentially unsafe bottles, but robs communities of their natural right to their own water and turn around and put it...yes the ordinary tap water..into a bottle and make the community buy it back!
I am not perfect and I don't claim to be any kind of expert, but I do know that if it were not for the earth's clean fresh water, the backbone of our lives; the family farm or the fresh air...oh and yes China is now offering bottled air, we would not have made it here to the 21st century.
I am not going to go completely out of my mind and change everything in my life, but where I see a need for change and have a means I will.
So far the road to better health is moving forward with some help from the past. I am enjoying the work and the rewards are simply delicious.


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