Why I Don't Have Cable TV

Since it's inception in 1948 by inventor, John Walson, cable television has become a staple of every American household regardless of economic level and has risen in my book to a status lower than a scalper, con artist or even a shady car salesperson.
Yesterday was the clincher for me. I have been without cable since last August and have throughout my adult years lived happily without it and for one year of my life I didn't even own a TV.
But yesterday time and technology reared its' ugly head and my triumphant resistance was put to the test.
I have a modest flat screen tv with a high quality blue ray player and if I get the itch to watch something I will either flip through Netflix or put in a disc. I have my internet through the city in which I live and I am blissfully at peace with unlimited internet connection for only $19.99 per month, but yesterday I was faced with a moment of weakness...when I was faced with the possible realization that my very new windows 8 computer doesn't appear to be compatible with my city's modems since windows 8 is so new...or so the bewildered tech suggested yesterday when my internet when on the fritz.
 I picked up the phone and called one of my neighbors who is a sales rep for one of the major cable providers in my area. I made it abundantly clear that I was only interested in internet and absolutely nothing else, I refuse to pay over a hundred dollars a month for internet and a boat load of stations that I will never watch.
When said neighbor/cable guy returned my call he said that he could absolutely get me internet only for the low low price of just $25.99 per month. Ok, well I guess I could live with that so I went ahead and started to set up an install time, but then he states that I would need one of their modems...another 8 bucks per month. Now I am up to around $35.00 per month, ok whatever I guess my internet provider is the only one who provides ALL equipment free of charge. Continuing on he says he will call back with an install time.
About and hour goes by and he finally calls back, speaking exasperatedly he apologizes for taking so long to get back to me but his boss just now informed him that they can no longer service internet only requests, that I must agree to a cable package...but he can keep it under $50.00 per month! When he detected that I was far from impressed with his unbelievable sham of a story he blows it further by saying that he swears this new rule just happened today, that he didn't know they were making these changes. On and on the poop piled up around this conversation.
He said he has a call in to his bosses boss ( oh my he must be so important to command the bosses boss to call him)  to circumvent this unjust change in company policy and that he stands behind his word and will fight to get me internet only service!
Now, I have in the past been here, right here in the midst of a super human sales guy claiming to be able to get me the very best rock bottom price while cart wheeling on water juggling swords with his toes.When I have chosen to believe their line of ka ka and accept it it only lasts until the first bill shows up and it's two or three times higher than the QUOTED price and after calling customer service and arguing with them for twenty minutes I end up getting a meager credit the next month and then it starts all over again. I told this shyster to cancel my order, that I would look into a wi fi card or some other option other that the scam he was peddling and with this he began cautioning me about wi fi cards then began to bash his competitors.
I am as we speak creating this entry from my very bad ass new computer with my city internet and you know I am at peace with it quirks and glitches and all. At least they never try to upsell me or over charge or sneak in hidden costs. I have everything I need in the way of media and I don't need to succumb to the cut throat tactics of desperate sales people who are really bad at their jobs. 
My story is not unique as I hear it repeated by my friends and family all the time.
The FCC and other such organizations that control content and media mayhem really need to focus on the dishonest, price gouging, money robbing, liars known as Cable TV Sales Reps. and shame on the cable companies for being so greedy that you have become as popular as oil tycoons.


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