A Shout Out To All My Followers

First, I want all f you to know I am to the moon and back grateful, thankful and so appreciative of your interest and your comments... Keep 'me coming! 
But I thought that it was time to explain a couple of things. 
Sometimes my entries are about me and my experiences and sometimes they are about social issues and my opinion about those issues. 
Then, there are entries that are my observations. I take these observations and put myself into the place of the people who are actually experiencing them and feel what they feel, react as they would react. Sometimes I mix my experiences in with these observations to create a story.  
If I was actually living in real time and in the sadness of some of my posts I would be on suicide watch somewhere. 
Some of my posts are poetry I have written but I have been writing poetry since I was nine so some may be many years old. 
Also, I have many posts started and pick away at them sometimes for many weeks before they are finished. 
I guess what I am trying to say s that I love! love! love! Your comments but please keep in mind that they may not be literal experiences of my own that I am writing about, but I love how much deep and insightful thought you fine readers are putting into some of my posts and I can't tell you how flattered I am by your care and concern. 
If I write about myself I usually will indicate such. 
Yours truly and sincerely, 
The Blah Blah Blogger


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