What's Mine Is Mine

I wonder when we started to refer to our body parts as 'The' body parts? 
They are not 'The' , they are 'Ours'. 
 Does taking away the human aspect somehow justify the processes we go through each day to alter our true selves? 
In August 1999 I was the victim of a freak accident that crushed my foot. After five hours of surgery the doctor had patched me back together and saved what he could of my big toe. It was a globby looking thing with no toenail any more and my toe print moved completely around but it was still there and still mine. 
Each part of your body makes you who you are, gets you where you're going and keeps you alive. Each part is sacred and deserves to be acknowledged and respected. 
It bothers me when people refer to their body like it's an object. 
Our world is saturated with mantras and affirmations telling us it's ok and imperative to love ourselves and accept who we are.  We let ourselves down when we remove the greatest opportunity to express love most intense by removing the humanness of our human self. 
When you learn to love your body you will want to care for it, nurture and protect it, but above all you break through and declare that's what mine is mine and demand that others stop diminishing your self worth. 


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