I Swear it!

I was born in the sixties to a Housewife and an Over the Road Truck Driver. Nothing in our home was held back neither trial nor tribulation or punches or swearing. 
Profanity was spoken in our home as though it were a second language. Even my prim and proper Mom who raised us to be ladies swore like a drunken sailor. 
Inner city schools employ teachers who speak like street hoods in order to effectively communicate with kids who come from hard lives in dangerous communities. My childhood was hard. I was never told in my home not to swear and I try, and manage to recognize how it is deemed inappropriate in civilized society but sometimes I slip. I revert back to my natural beginnings and forget myself and I have fallen into hot water because of it. 
When you get down the nuts and bolts of it, profanity is nothing more than a series of slang used to express feelings,outcomes or body parts. It's alright to invite someone to 'Park their Carcass' but you would offend if you requested they sit their ass down. 
Profanity is now mainstream, commonplace. 
How bad could it really be? An Ass is an animal, a damn holds back water, shit is a variation of the word Shat meaning excrement and the big F-Bomb is another word for sexual intercourse ( although considered to be the most vulgar of the word options ) And Hell was brought to us by Christians and mentioned in their Bible! 
Why do these words offend so many? And why do so many whisper the words under their breath and think they're  better because they don't utter them aloud. 
It's commonly believed that people who swear are more honest and genuine than those who hold it in. 
Profanity is nothing more than an expressive form of slang.  We need to remove the chips from our shoulders and the poles from inside our butts and accept that swearing has been around as long as language itself, it's not going to disappear so let's stop trying to act all moral and blush when a naughty word slips from someone's lips. Only pretenders are offended anyway. 


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