The Moral Of The Story

I believe the reason there is so much hate and fear of one religious group upon another is confusion over the belief systems themselves versus an individual's moral structure.

The God we pray to does teach us some method of right and wrong and how to live as a good person, but morals are something different altogether. Morals are how we as humans choose to be perceived by others and how we choose to treat others.

A person with high moral standards will see money fall out of someone's wallet and run after them to return it when a person of low moral standards would perhaps keep it and walk the other way.
the person who returns could be Jewish, Catholic, Baptist or even Atheist and the person who keeps it could be Jewish, Catholic, Baptist or Atheist.

Being human trumps being a member of a Church and we will behave first in the manner of a human then think about what consequences may lie ahead for us when God finds out.

Murder is an immoral act and you don't have to be of any particular religion to be a murderer.  Millions of innocent people have died at the hands of Christians since the religion's inception as have there been victims of various Cults and Pagans and Muslims. Although these killers acted on their murderous impulses under the guise of their God it was not nor has it ever been truly about God. It has always about choices...moral choices and the human ego. Stop hating all people of a certain religion because of a few low life individuals and stop believing everything you read and hear because people who lack morals don't just kill they also spin the media, lie and sensationalize to get people angry enough to kill each other and the moral of the story is; 'Just because your are religious doesn't mean you are morally righteous'. A person doesn't have to belong to any particular group to be a terrorist or a rapist or a killer, you only have to be human. 


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